Buy Pearl White Leghorn Chicks For Sale
The Pearl White Leghorn is, by far, our best white egg layer. Many decades of research and breeding select strains have gone into the development of our Pearl White Leghorns. The Pearl White Leghorn lays the most eggs of the highest grade, uniform size and shape, and highest interior quality of any breed we offer.
Pearl White Leghorn pullets will weigh about 4 lbs. at maturity and will start laying at just 4 1/2 to 5 months. White Leghorns will also continue laying 10 to 12 weeks longer than most good layers. Their livability and resistance to disease are very high, and their feed-to-egg conversion ratio is excellent, holding down the cost of egg production.
This is the best heritage egg laying breed. The Leghorn is a single comb, clean legged variety that originated in Italy. Standard white plumage throughout. Hardy, but combs subject to frostbite in extreme cold weather areas. Leghorns are a flighty breed, very nervous and non broody.
- Purpose: Egg Layer
- Egg Production: 220-300 eggs per year
- Egg Shell Color: White
- Egg Size: Large-Extra Large
- Temperament: Very Active
- Broody: Non Setter
- Weight: Male – 6 lb, Female – 4.5 lb
- Availability: Not Sexed, Male, or Female
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